Electronic Medical Record EXchange

Role based health informatics learning platform for academics and research.



Modern scheduling with self booking customized and flexible workflows. 


On demand secure and encrypted browser-to-browser high-quality video with no client download required.

Rich Communication​

Integrate bi-directional video, audio, SMS and email messaging including attachments.


Robust military grade security and privacy with an active update community.

Provider App

Easily create and customize nimble iOS and android apps for individual workflow. 


Summarized patient information is presented in a clear and consistent context.

Own Your Data

Because the database tables are fully accessible, patients and providers have unlimited bidirectional stewardship.

Access Control

Fully customizable role based access controls.

Health Information Exchange

Supports modern HIE Open Standards with APIs including FIHR, HL7, CCD format, SNOMED-0CT.


Design and generate custom Clinical, QA and Billing reports.


Custom patient and provider experiences including personalized logo look and feel.


OpenEMR is an active development community currently supporting 15K healthcare facilities with 45K practitioners serving 90M patients.

About Us

At EMRex, we are driven by the vision of bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in healthcare education. Our platform is built upon a customized version of OpenEMR, a robust open-source Electronic Medical Records system, endorsed under the GPL-3.0 License. This customization is tailored to provide an enriching, interactive learning environment for both instructors and students across various healthcare disciplines. 

We staunchly believe in the open-source ethos – a commitment that empowers users with the freedom to view, modify, and enhance the system to better suit their educational needs. This ethos resonates with our goal of fostering a community-driven learning environment, where the actual users have control, ensuring a more personalized and collaborative learning experience.

EMRex is designed to serve as an educative tool that transcends conventional learning boundaries. Our platform enables a hands-on approach to understanding Electronic Medical Records, a crucial component in modern healthcare settings. With the integration of synthetic data, EMRex simulates a real clinical environment, allowing users to delve into real-world clinical scenarios safely. This practical approach not only enhances knowledge acquisition but also instills confidence and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among users.

In an era where technology is intertwined with everyday life, adapting healthcare education to meet the modern-day technological demands is no longer a choice but a necessity. EMRex is at the forefront of this adaptation, offering a dynamic, practical learning experience that prepares the future healthcare professionals for the technological nuances of their field.

We are a not-for-profit initiative committed to redefining the contours of healthcare education. Every aspect of EMRex is crafted with the sole aim of contributing to a more competent and technologically adept healthcare workforce.


Have any questions? We’re always available to discuss project information, research, creative opportunities, and how we can assist you. Reach out to us via email.